river alive!
be a river hero!
Did you know that 15 million people drink water from the Delaware River? That’s 5% of the U.S. population!
Get your hands (literally and figuratively) wet as you explore the importance of keeping our waterways clean, how we are all connected, and what you can do to be a river hero through fun, interactive exhibit components that will have you saying, “Wow! The river really is alive!”
Awarded the American Alliance for Museum’s Special Achievement Award for Interactivity in 2019, experience this landmark exhibit on your next trip to Independence Seaport Museum!
This exhibit is made possible by the generous support of The William Penn Foundation.
Exhibit Highlights
An interactive video game broadcasted on a 32-foot long wall, the Continuum Wall has five “input” stations, representing how the mountains, wilderness, farmland, cities, and coastal plains are all connected by the river that runs through them. If you clean the river by following the prompts on the screen, you unlock a special “thank you” at the end!
A favorite of museum staffers and visitors alike, users get to take a personality quiz where you can find out which river animal you're most similar to! The answer you get might surprise you!
You can get wet while having fun with the Watershed 3D Modeling Table. Build waterways and learn how we use the river for development and industry impacts the water’s flow. Think of it as a water-based version of Tetris.

Ways to Connect with the River after Your Visit
Take a partner postcard (you can find them next to the personality quiz) that ignites your interest. Then make a plan to visit their site!
During warmer weather, you can join the Independence Seaport Museum for different on-water programs. For a fun, family-friendly opportunity, join us for Paddle Penn’s Landing, where you can rent swan boats and paddle around safely in our protected basin. Feeling adventurous? Consider signing up for one of our kayak excursions, where experienced guides take you out onto the river to various destinations.
Follow the Independence Seaport Museum on social media and our extraordinary River Ambassadors (@ism_riverambassadors on Instagram) to learn more about how you can protect the river!
visit the seaport museum
Immerse yourself in award-winning exhibitions and climb aboard the Olympia, a nineteenth-century cruiser, and the Becuna, a World War II-era submarine.